Yesterday the computer that had all my video links on it, crashed. Well, it was a controlled crash landing that the computer did on its own. Unfortunately it did not save all the links I had developed, so back to the drawing board to get those. I expect you will see them in the next day or two on the various pages, as I go back and find them. Grrrrrr...
So far we have 66 tours listed for you in the 4 ports of call. As you consider what you would like to do, be sure to check the time in and out of port on the top of each of the port pages. You would not want to return back from your tour to see the ship sailing to the next port without you !
I also checked out a coupon book for $99. This is a two-fer deal. You buy one ticket to the attraction for the full price, and the second one is free. This is called TOUR SAVER, you can Google it up under "Alaska Coupon Book." It has a lot to offer, but some things are for hotels, and other things you won't use, plus some ports that we will not be visiting. However, this is a list of what is in the book that you could use:
Ketchikan Zip Line, Juneau Zip Line, Rainforest Wildlife eagles and Totems tour in Ketchikan, flightseeing in Juneau, Misty Fjords by Tarquam Air in Ketchikan, Kayaking with South Seas Kayak in Ketchikan, TICKETS TO: Salmon bake - Juneau, Glacier Gardens, Juneau, Mt. Roberts Tram, Juneau, and Jewel Gardens, Skagway
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